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How to buy a durable inflatable structure?

By Admin Proludik  •   4 minute read

Comment acheter une structure gonflable durable?

We know that in 2024, many products are found online and allow us to shop the different offers and see all the price ranges. Some offer the same product at a fraction of the price... have you ever wondered why? There is certainly a reason and it is towards this reflection that we draw your attention.

For your everyday purchases, these sites often turn out to be paying, for the purchase of an inflatable game, without paying attention, you could buy big problems.

Let us, just as we have been doing with our customers for 31 years, inform you of the potential risks and help you plan your inflatable purchase!

Here are the 6 points to check;

  1. Quality and Condition of the game purchased online

The quality of the materials used during manufacturing changes EVERYTHING! In 2024, our inflatable games are now made of PVC treated against UVA UVB rays, lead-free, fire-treated, the seams are reinforced to allow the games to fluctuate without breaking and not becoming fragile. You will have understood, this greatly affects the durability of the game. For a purchase that can represent thousands of dollars, take the time to check where it is made and how.

  1. Manufacturing warranty

When you think about buying an inflatable structure, have you thought about the warranty on the manufacturing? No? Well, it could cost you a lot, or even force you to buy a new structure without ever having used yours…

To ensure you get a real saving on an inflatable, make sure the structure is guaranteed for at least the first year. A manufacturing defect or a breakage related to the structure can prevent the game from inflating or retaining its air properly. Since the majority of manufacturers are in China, they offer neither guarantee nor worse; they will make you pay for air delivery if a repair or exchange is needed or in the worst case scenario, you will never be able to reach them.

When purchasing from Proludik , all new games are sold with a one-year warranty and even our used games, which have more than proven themselves, come with a 6-month warranty.

  1. Delivery time

No hiding, the majority of inflatables are made in China. The games are VERY heavy structures; they weigh between 400 and 1000 pounds each. Not only are the shipping costs expensive, but there is also a requirement related to the time of receipt of the merchandise: possible verification and customs inspection.

Shipping times are VERY relative. Why? Because the boats are filled with cargo containing other products and they can be seized at customs at any time and immobilized for inspection for an indefinite period. This is why the success behind Proludik also lies in the inventory available in our warehouses in Quebec ( 400 games in inventory in Longueuil and Quebec City ). Customers can come and pick up their structure, which avoids all delays and costs related to shipping.

Even in the case of custom manufacturing , a service that we offer, the long-term relationship with our manufacturer allows us to have clear and transparent delivery times and costs, from 2 to 6 weeks, and much more affordable, in addition to the tracking information that is sent at each stage of the shipment to our customers.

  1. Manufacturing Quality

Have you thought about checking the materials the game is made of? Residential quality games at lower prices are made of nylon. Why don't we sell these games at Proludik ? It's simple, they can't support a lot of weight. The mother who goes to pick up her little one in the jumper will therefore deflate the structure, for example. You will therefore be limited in the number of participants who can play at the same time in the structure, and, in addition, will have to calculate the total weight and differentiate adults from children, the frail person from the overweight one... which complicates the operations.

  1. Sustainability

If you were thinking of buying an inflatable structure for extended or commercial use, it is important to go with a game made of PVC. At Proludik , our inflatable games are all made of 0.55mm thick PVC, much thicker and more durable than Nylon. In short, a 10 times superior manufacturing that ensures strength, stability, capacity and durability. You will therefore not have to differentiate your customers or segment them according to their weight and height.

  1. The interview

Did you know that when your inflatable gets wet, if it is not cleaned and dried carefully and you do not do regular maintenance, it could cause mold to form inside? Not only will a foul odor develop and persist, but it could damage the inflatable, or even make it completely unusable.

Our advice: Give the structure a quick clean and dry after each outdoor use, as well as a thorough cleaning using specialized products before storing the game for the cold season. If it is used year-round, you can do the full maintenance twice a year.

Maintenance products are on sale directly on our transactional website proludikstore.com , but the advisory service is also offered if you need guidance, it will be a pleasure!

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